How we found the needle in the haystack...
SMK Ventures invested in an early-stage trading platform designed to help everyday investors automate their trades using advanced AI and algorithmic trading models. To bring this ambitious project to life, they needed a highly specialized engineer. The ideal candidate required experience in TensorFlow, algorithmic trading, regulatory compliance, and NLP, with over seven years of experience in the FinTech sector.
Despite their best efforts, the trading platform’s founders struggled for four months to fill this critical role. With product shipment deadlines looming and frustration mounting, they turned to SMK Ventures for help. That’s when Techtrust stepped in.
Finding a candidate with such a precise skill set was no easy task, especially on a startup budget. The team needed someone who could seamlessly integrate into the product team and accelerate development without the luxury of time. Traditional hiring methods had failed, and the stakes were high.